Tag Archive | progress

Weight Loss Progress (6 months)

I started really tracking my fitness journey in May when I got a personal trainer and a membership at the gym. I started really trying to get fit though in March with boxing. It’s been a long winding road for the past six-eight months but I am proud that I’ve finally found my groove and what I love to do as far as fitness and nutrition.

I’ve had ups and downs, cheat meals, cheat days and cheat weekends. It hasn’t been perfect and I know I could have gotten closer to my goals faster if I’d been stricter but I’m proud of where I am now. Since I started in March, I am down 33lbs. And 6% body fat. My goal to get to about 20% body fat looms in the distance but I’ll get there. Hopefully by the end of May before summer starts.


After I’d come back from the Philippines in July, after 2 weeks of laying around in the sun, eating garbage and drinking Coke Zero (because I didn’t want to drink the water OR the Tang!), I was ready to get back on the wagon with my trainer. I felt guilty for my indulgent vacation but amazingly, when we weighed in, I’d lost 8 lbs in 5 weeks. Sure! Okay. That just jump started my training for my first Spartan Race in Vermont on September 21. I had initially wanted to run my first in April 2014 but with a free flight and a free race enticing me to Vermont, that was were we went.

I started running parcours trails with my boyfriend and friends. I loved hitting the uneven trails, running hills, doing the stations like monkey bars, pushups, step-ups, log jumps, etc. It was a dynamic, challenging (more FUN) way to run. We carried logs, ran the course twice, whatever. I had a blast getting a run in. Even if it were just a quick one. I did all of this while I was going to see my trainer who had me doing 3 circuits of 3 exercises with 3 sets each day we were together. At the end of August I lost less weight than I did in July but lost more body fat. Weird, but it was from all of the weights. I didn’t mind. I like seeing that body fat number go down JUST as much as the scale.


When September started I was hyped up for the Spartan Sprint in Vermont. We continued the same routine. However, once we flew to Vermont (and hung out in Montreal while at it), the healthy eating went out the window. I had been so good about eating 5-6 times per day (sometimes just grazing every hour) and eating lots of fruits and veggies and protein. No. Not on the trip. We had pizza, Chinese food, pizza, chips. Ugh. It was terrible. I had a blast finishing the race but was so sore from not drinking enough water all weekend. Dumb mistake.


After September, I only lost 3 pounds. I really had to work hard in October. I drastically changed my diet to include two Herbalife shakes a day (usually for breakfast and dinner), a big colorful lunch and lots of healthful, protein filled snacks. I drank water like crazy. Worked out twice a week with my trainer who upped my weights almost every time we met. I started running outside with the dog to put more miles on those running shoes of mine. I hate running. But I had to do it. I have to do it. I did a couple of virtual 5ks, ran a Zombie OCR, etc. At the end of October, I still had anxiety about not hitting my weight loss goal for the month that I set with my trainer. It was a higher goal than the past two months and I couldn’t even hit those 4 o5 pound goals. My goal this month was 6. Lo an behold, I hit 6lbs when I weighed in on November 5!! I owe it to the heavier weights and the consistency AND to my diet changing to include more Herbalife!


Now on to November. I have a weight loss challenge going with some friends but I told my trainer my goal was 5lbs. this month. Hopefully I can hit it. My trainer has changed the kinds of workouts I do and it’s definitely getting harder and heavier. I LOVE IT.

203lbs. down to 170lbs. ——> moving toward that 145lbs. or 20%BF, whichever. 🙂

Progress Shot!

I didn’t realize how heavy I used to be. I know what the number says on the scale NOW and it is not a HUGE difference from June 2011 but this picture says otherwise. I didn’t even start trying to fix this until end of April/beginning of May this year. A little bit goes a long way and I’m proud of my initial progress …

The first shot is in Hawaii in June 2011. The recent shot is last month in the Philippines. This is such great motivation to keep going!!


Have a great day! Keep going and don’t give up!
